Changing is a guided journey, the competences Listening, analyzing, Retaining and continuing are the guided steps.
Mentoring, Resource utilization, Business guidance and Target coaching are the actions complementary to the competences.
Combine and mixed in the right way, these ingredients are the recipe for your success!!!
Personal mentorship …
Help is on the way..!

Who can ask the questions you do not want to hear? Who can asked the questions on which you already know the answer? Who can help you to structure the combined thoughts running thru your head, not showing head or tails.
meTTom can help you with this!
You will not be told what to do, we will go on a journey to discover your needs.
Resources …
People and money need to be guided, ... in the right direction!

Resources are an important part of your business development. People and Financial resources are the biggest assets in most companies. Though in small companies it is often a low in liquid assets and difficulties with personnel. A result of having a good idea, run with it for a couple of years…and suddenly you look back and you build a company. A company where you have to coach team members, be able to have a”bad-news” conversation and make sure all involved are as economical as you are with the companies money.
Like your computer needs an “upgrade” once and a while so does your organization, meTTom can help you directing your resources and help you having fun in your “new” role as business owner.
Business guideline..!
Its not a code,'s more of a guideline!

Once you started now you are on your way. Having had more an idea than a plan, being more hobbyist than entrepreneur. And now you have to face the facts, everybody tells you it is a business, it is serieus, you have responsibilities ……
You just wanted to have fun with a great idea ….
meTTom can help you from planning (must do) to a guideline (want to) for your business and get back the fun and energy!!!
Coaching, to the target!
Supporters are watching, coaches are guiding!

All the steps and plans are great, though to actually do what is need is a different ball game. Great leaders have always had, great “background support”. Great teams always had a coach. Just getting from A to B is best done with a navigator (either in person or digitalized.)
So, why do you have to know all? Organize everything on your own?
Guess what?! You don’t!!
You need to get your resources in,
Have the resources, help, cover, solving, overcome all of your blindspots. (we all have our own blindspots.)
meTTom can help you aim and sustain!! Aguided tour to your targets.